Sunday, November 15, 2009

The wonder of this thing called parenthood

Well, here goes... It's my first blog. It's funny how you begin to experience writer's block as soon as you decide share your thoughts with the world.

I told my mom I was going to start a blog and she doubtfully looked at me and said "Why, you don't have time?" and she's so right -I don't have time between parenting an everchanging two year old, nursing school, and working but I will try my best.

Sometimes when I lie in bed at night, I find myself thinking over things that warm my heart to watch Jackson do. Like when I hold him in front of the mirror and catch him watching himself laugh or, even funnier, watching himself cry. I love when he's in the bathtub and he looks at his reflection in the silver drain thing and says "Baby, baby!" It's amazing to watch the thought process flash across his face. Like when I say "No pacis until bedtime", he begins to pout, but then he walks over to the drawer where the pacis are "secretly hidden" and quietly opens the drawer, grabs a paci, and runs for the hills. I love watching his innovation at work. Like when he wants the phone but no one will give it to him so he pushes one of the dining room chairs, even if that involves pushing you out of it, to the counter, grabs the phone, and starts to call someone- probably China (I'll let you know when I see the bill!). I love watching the love from his little heart. I love when he lays next to Zach, our daschund, patting him and saying "Awwww, Zachy". I never, ever imagined the day I would get excited a pint sized mini me could blow green snot into the tissue I was holding, but that day has come. There are so many more things I wish I could share with you all, some sweet, some funny, some gross- unless you're a mother who too enjoys when your two year old learns to blow their nose- but the wonder of it all is no matter whether they're stories that made me angry at the moment or stories that made me want to be sick, when I lay my head down at night, they NEVER fail to make me smile. Jackson never fails to make me smile. It's the wonder of this thing called parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ashley, Im kellys friend steph. I dont think you had writers block at all! That was a great first blog! Very sweet!
